18 de junho de 2020

The memories of Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho are alive, although dispersed. But they are spread, at least, over three continents. The same flame exists in Portugal, Cape Verde and Brazil. Can we all get together and collectively recreate a work that honours Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho? It only depends on us, on all […]

We finished this leg Cape Verde

Penedos, done during 18th April 1922, with Gago Coutinho, in his simple words:“[…] After 11h and 21 minutes of flight, the gas was running out.The Penedo – a few rocks not very high – can only be seen very close, from the 300 meters high we were flying.However, as we were alighting next to the […]

From “Lusitânia” (1922) to Apolo 13 (1969): A Legacy

We are in the commemoration of another anniversary of the “Great Leap” between Cape Verde and the Penedos de S. Pedro and S. Paulo, (11h30 flight, 1700 km), which was only possible due to the precision astronomical navigation methods developed by Gago Coutinho. A tiring flight, in an unstable plane, piloted by the steady hand […]

11 May 1922

97 years ago today, Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho continued their journey from Fernando Noronha, returning to Penedos, with the final destination of Recife. A journey planned to take 8 hours of flight. The preparations started at 04h00 local time, the departure was at 09h00. At 13.35, with Penedos in sight, they reversed course and […]

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