Ildo Rocha Fortes

Ildo Rocha Ramos Fortes has been a journalist since 1991, a promoter and a social researcher.

He lives in Portugal. Besides being an Associative leader, he is the Promoter/Coordinator of the Gabinete de Apoio à Integração Social dos Cabo-Verdianos (GAIS-CV) and of the Unidade de Apoio aos Doentes Evacuados de Cabo Verde (UADE-CV) based in Cova da Piedade, Almada.

In 2011 he initiated a research project on the History of Civil Aviation in Cape Verde, with a view to celebrating the 90th anniversary and the centenary of the first South Atlantic Air Crossing. He collaborates with the Lusitânia 100 Project since 2018.

He considers that the promotion of the Centenary of the first South Atlantic Air crossing is a great challenge for 2021/2022, which will UNITE three continents and three Portuguese-speaking countries, Portugal, Cape Verde and Brazil, linked by historical, cultural and linguistic ties.

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