Scientific Articles Repository

Papers by Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho:

The first scientific paper we present is the paper prepared by Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho, on the “Corrector de Rumos”.

It was presented at the “Premier Congrès International de la Navigation Aérienne”, Paris, November 15-25, 1921, and published in Vol II of the Proceedings, pp. 112-114.

Later, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics – forerunner of NASA), translated and reproduced it in its TM (Technical Memorandum) No. 132 – “COUTINHO-SACADURA COURSE CORRECTOR”, in August 1922. From very early on, NACA edited many reports and articles aimed at the advancement of aeronautical science.


The Portuguese Navy has digitised, among many other works, three important reports relating to the Travessia:

– “The Report of the Lisbon-Madeira Air Journey”, in 1921, written by Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho. This trip was intended to confirm the correctness and accuracy of the precision air navigation methods developed by Gago Coutinho;

– “O Relatório da Travessia Lisboa-Brasil”, 1922, written by Sacadura Cabral.

There are other reports of the Portuguese Navy, related to the Travessia; most of them are unpublished.

They can be consulted at the Navy Central Library / Historical Archives, .

The Navy Central Library, has also a lot of documentation related to the Travessia, including documents that Gago Coutinho used while navigating aboard the “Lusitânia”, during the 1922 Travessia.

In general, the Collective Catalogue of Defence Libraries, , allows an extended search in the libraries of the 3 branches the Portuguese Armed Forces, in a total (currently) of 25 institutions.


On air navigation:

– “Gago Coutinho – Air Navigation and Maritime Navigation” – José Manuel Malhão Pereira, Lisbon, Navy Academy, 2020.

-” Transoceanic Air Navigation – the methods of Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral ” – ASPOF Magda Ramires Marabujo – Dissertation for obtaining a Master’s degree, Naval School, Alfeite, 2018.


On Naval Aviation in Portugal:

Naval Aviation in Portugal, 1912-1924” – Hugo Miguel Baptista Cabral, Master’s Dissertation in Maritime History, 2020-12-18.


About the history of aviation in Portugal:

Several researchers, namely from UBI – University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, ( ), have been doing a systematic and meritorious work of dissemination of the history of Aviation in Portugal.

Their articles have been disseminated through the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, ), and the open access academic repository Research Gate,

Palavras-chave / Keywords:

Sacadura Cabral, Gago Coutinho, South Atlantic Aerial Crossing, Lusitania, Santa Cruz, Precision Sextant, Circumnavigation Flight Attempt


– “The origins of scientific aircraft navigation” , Barata, J.M.M.; Mendes, A.L.M.; Morgado, C.M.P.; Neves, F.M.S.P.; Silva, A.R.R.. 2009., 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 3: 1974 – 1980.


– “Precision Sextant: An Early Portuguese Landmark on Aeronautical History“, Neves, Fernando & Silva, André & Barata, Jorge. (2019). 10.2514/6.2019-1954.


– “Gago Coutinho and the Aircraft Navigation“, Fernando Neves, Jorge Barata, and André Silva., (2010) 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Aerospace Sciences Meetings,


– “Gago Coutinho and the Scientific Navigation” , André R. R. Silva, Jorge M. M. Barata, Fernando M. S. P. Neves, Aerospace Sciences Department, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


– “Primeiro voo da Europa para o Atlântico Sul – Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral” (First flight from Europe to the South Atlantic – Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral) (1922) , Silva, A.R.R.; Barata, J.M.M.; Morgado, C.M.P.; Neves, F.M.S.P. 2009, 47ª Reunião de Ciências Aeroespaciais da AIAA incluindo o Fórum Novos Horizontes e Exposição Aeroespacial, 21: 13670 – 13675.


– “Sacadura Cabral e a Alvorada da Aviação Portuguesa” ( Sacadura Cabral and the Dawn of Portuguese Aviation )

F.M.S.P. Neves, J.M.M. Barata, A.R.R. Silva , Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, 6200-358, Portugal


– “O Advento da Navegação Aeronáutica Científica” ( The Advent of Scientific Aircraft Navigation ), Jorge M. M. Barata, António L. M. Mendes, Cândido M. P. Morgado, Fernando M. S. P. Neves, André R. R. Silva. (2016) Departamento de Ciências Aeroespaciais, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


– “Gago Coutinho e a Navegação Científica” ( Gago Coutinho and the Scientific Navigation ), André R. R. Silva, Jorge M. M. Barata, Fernando M. S. P. Neves (2016) , Departamento de Ciências Aeroespaciais, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


– “Centennial 1922-2022: First Transoceanic Flight with Autonomous Aerial Navigation” , Neves, Fernando & Barata, Jorge & Silva, André. (2022). 10.2514/6.2022-0778.


– “A Primeira Viagem Aérea de Portugal a Macau”  (1924)  ( The First Aerial Journey from Portugal to Macau, 1924), Fernando M. S. P. Neves, Jorge M. M. Barata, André R. R. Silva , Departamento de Ciências Aeroespaciais, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


– “First Aerial South Atlantic Night Crossing” (1927), Fernando Neves, Jorge Barata, André Silva (2016), Departamento de Ciências Aeroespaciais, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


– “Viagem aérea de Portugal a Timor Leste, Macau, Índia, e regresso” (1934) ( Aerial Journey from Portugal to East Timor, Macau, India, and Return, 1934), Neves, Fernando & Barata, Jorge & Silva, André. (2022).. 10.2514/6.2022-0777.


– “A História da Engenharia Aeroespacial /Aeronáutica em Portugal” ( The History of Aerospace /Aerospace /Aeronautics Engineering in Portugal ), Barata, Jorge & Neves, Fernando & Silva, André. (2012). 10.2514/6.2012-954, 50ª Reunião de Ciências Aeroespaciais do AIAA Incluindo o Fórum Novos Horizontes e Exposição Aeroespacial, 1: 14119 – 14130


– “Conjuntura geoestratégica da aviação comercial e civil em Portugal no início do século XX”, Neves, Fernando & Barata, Jorge & Silva, André. (2020). 10.2514/6.2020-0645.

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